Welcome Home 2018 film Wikipedia
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He played mind games with her, just so that he could be successful in his endeavours. Riccardo Scamarcio appears in a supporting role as Federico. The movie fills in the details of Cassie's betrayal in a series of flash cuts synced up with Bryan's moments of anguish. Federico simultaneously stokes Bryan's feelings of emasculation and resentment and starts hanging around Cassie, acting like a gentlemanly Prince Charming and giving her a rugged shoulder to cry on. "Welcome Home" is part of a long tradition of thrillers about devil figures who amplify tension in a couple's relationship, hoping to steal one half of the couple away, or simply torment both of them. Welcome Home is a 2018 drama thriller film directed by George Ratliff.
After going to the nearby village, Bryan and Cassie get into an argument, and Bryan goes to the nearest bar, where Federico arrives, and the two get drunk while Cassie sits at the villa wondering where Bryan might be. The next day, Bryan now knows that Federico isn't the charming man he's making himself out to be, and must find a way to prove to Cassie that Federico is up to no good, and soon, they discover that he's much worse than Bryan suspected. As the creepy bad guy, Scamarcio does a decent job of showing the character's evil side at just the right time.
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He threatens to tell Cassie this, Federico threatens him back by telling him that he will tell Cassie that he slept with the two ladies while drunk. Bryan denies this, and eventually tells Cassie that Federico is not who he says he is and to not let him visit. Cassie thinks that Federico is nothing but nice, until Federico cooks them rabbit stew and creepily tells them how much he likes to hunt. Scamarcio has the trickiest role, and he doesn't disappoint. He’s spot-on as a man who presents himself to others as a charismatic, confident, Big Bad Wolf-type, but is privately disturbed and pathetic. The character is the star as well as the writer-director of a melodrama he created, but there has to be something defective in a personality that needs to create melodrama in the first place.

For a brief moment, Bryan and Cassie’s footage created a sense of alarm among its viewers. It was deemed that they would report them to the police or the authorities. The action ironically suggested that many of them on the internet were looking for entertainment and nothing else. For them, an actual murder was entertainment, and it was over.
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Scarmacio's performance is so intricate that he manages to suggest a backstory for Federico even though the film is mostly mum on where he came from and what drives him. His darkly handsome features and boyish sense of menace evoke Javier Bardem and Ray Liotta in villain roles. You feel sorry for his character even when you're rooting for his violent death.
He gives her a ride back, and then offers to give them a ride to town the next day. They agree, and spend an awkward ride there the next day. Bryan accuses Cassie of not being able to see how Federico looks at her with lust; disgusted, Cassie leaves to go back to the house. Federico invites two ladies to help Bryan back to a hotel.
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Bryan found out the secret basement where the surveillance was set up. To his surprise, Federico and Eduardo were recording them and had tapes of other couples as well. Without thinking about it, Bryan unplugged all the cameras from the house and burnt them along with the recordings.

Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. A couple try to repair their damaged union in an Italian vacation paradise. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century.
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Bryan, due to Federico surreptitiously drugging his drink at the bar, has no memory of this and takes a taxi home. While the events happened after a massive fight between the couple and Cassie was uncontrollably drunk, Bryan couldn’t forgive her. The six-day vacation in “Welcome Home” was a medium to rekindle the love and forget the past. It captures the life of an American couple, Bryan and Cassie, who visit a vacation home in Umbria, Italy.
This is a thriller that starts off with some promise, but soon lapses into predictability. It's a variation of the "city folk go into the countryside and fight creepy country folk" story -- this time an American couple from NYC more or less isolated in a villa in the Italian countryside. This redundant aspect of the movie quickly grows tiresome and mars what might have been a decent movie.
It captured footage of couples from all around the world who visit vacation homes. Eduardo was just one of the owners who participated in the dirty network to earn easy money. Together, the couple buried the body in the back garden. In the end, Bryan finally makes love to Cassie without visualizing any past events. The couple killed the creepy neighbor and the owner of the house, who pulled out a gun on them.
Twenty minutes in I thought we were in for a slick, stylish, twisted thriller, sadly by the end of the movie, all I kept thinking was what if, it felt like a mass of wasted opportunities.
The last sequence revealed that the footage was circulated all around the world through the internet. Few couples were watching Bryan and Cassie on a virtual website labeled “Eyes See You.” According to the instructions on the website screen, it can be deduced that it was a hidden cam website. Federico was virtually and physically stalking the life of the couple. He even started participating in their lives and, like a cunning fox, created a wide gap. Later, Federico revealed that he watches the couple, who often visit the “Welcome House.” But when he met Cassie, he was captivated by her beauty and wanted to sleep with her once.
They are trying to mend their relationship, after Cassie was caught having drunken sex with a co-worker. Cassie goes out for a run, and falls down and injures her ankle. She flags down a passing truck, and a handsome man named Federico stops and helps her.
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